maanantai 2. toukokuuta 2011

For a friend; Castellan Crowe in red!

Okay, so this is a miniature I painted for my friend, and is also the only new Grey Knight model that I like (I think it's because I don't like their heads or Storm Bolters; I liked the old ones more). The colour scheme is his grey knight colour scheme, and, if I remember correctly, they use Thousand Sons gene-seed (or something like that..). Here are the pictures:

Hope you enjoyed! :D

4 kommenttia:

  1. Can't really say much because the photos are so blurry and dark =/ I like the coulour theme though...

  2. Ya, I couldn't find a good place where to take the pictures, the pictures are really making the miniature look bad.. =/ I'll look if I can find a better place with better lighting and take better pictures before the miniature gets to it's owner.

  3. Fantastic choice of colour scheme, I accidently stumbled across the picture whilst looking for alternative ways to paint him. It will fit in perfectly with my blood angels.
