Heres some pictures I took:
Non can escape the will of C'Tan! |
We have noticed a large red 'hulk' that has came from a warp jump, suddenly appeared quite near Thenchor, appearing to have all sort of ships crashed on it.. It glows red and was named The Red Terror.. It is surrounded by small parts of old space ships, some that look ancient. The Black Tears, the space marines whom are from Cardano, send 12 dedicaded veterans, that had succsesfully earned their trust to wear a Terminator armour.. The force is lead by Captain Huiqus Lepit of the 1st company and by the Librarian Epistolary Mauno the Red. Joined by them are 2 squads of 5 terminators; Aliqnus and Bethjy Squads.. We aren't certain what they'll come across there, but time will tel..
I like the looks of these Necrons. That misty dark green goes really well with those dark metals. Although in my opinion those gauss pipes could be different colour. Now they don't stand out at all.
VastaaPoistaBut really nice job overall. This will be good looking army definetly!
VastaaPoistaI painted the gauss pipes like that, because I wanted it to be darkish to match a little too much the necrons themselves.. White gauss was my other option, but I chose green for some reason (maybe because I thought it looked too weird to be white..? Not sure..).